We're working on a short animated film - MAD BUS 26

It’s been long without any updates here.

Funny that. I’ve been busy working on a short animated Source Filmmaker film called Mad Bus 26.

What is it about? Can’t tell you much (for now), but it’s about a public transit bus trip gone wild. So far, I’ve been writing the script, recording my voice lines and rendering the first scene so far. I’m still waiting also for EmptyHero to see if he can agree to do his voice part of the short film, but I can bet your sorry ass this short film is gonna be a big deal.

It’s going to not just be on the Goon Fund for anyone with disposable income for free, but also we’re going to send it to a bunch of film festivals too, to see if it actually sticks. Can’t mention which film festivals because otherwise bad actors can exploit that and try to make us blacklisted from those for… some utter reason or whatever KiwiFarms can pull off, but I want this to be big.

Stay tuned for more stuff regarding this. March is gonna be a busy month.