You Nazis are mad your Nazi TV show is gone, and you still are.

Let’s rub salt in the wound of these lovely Goebbels fuckers.

You might remember in 2016 there was a show made by Million Dollar Extreme called World Peace, which got canceled on Adult Swim because of Sam Hyde’s incompetence at keeping himself away from spouting Nazi propaganda, as evidenced by Joseph Bernstein’s article.

Well, could you imagine that there are still Nazis asshurt that their favourite piece of fascist propaganda got cancelled from Adult Swim? Even so saltier that people like Charls Carroll completely disassociated with Sam Hyde for being an utter moron on legs. It’s funny, because Sam Hyde is a complete fucking moron who would sell NFTs if that meant keeping himself afloat on his bullshit.

And these fucking Nazis are still mad. Often you see their boards crying for whenever a second season of World Peace is coming out (never). And Sam Hyde hasn’t been the same since then, he’s a shadow of his former self, relying on paywalling a stupid Gumroad page with shitty “comedy” videos that would make a psychopath laugh, if anything. The sad reality for them, and for us the fortunate reality, is that Sam Hyde has become half-irrelevant due to his sheer incompetence.

And let’s face it: why would we want to get back a piece of that Goebbels propaganda on Adult Swim? Seems silly, because currently, in 2022, the alt-right may have its resurgence for a bit, but even then they look extremely ridiculous in the arena of optics.

Trust me, the show better stay dead.


The woman that plays on Ultra-Violence

We own Sam Hyde's YouTuber Kings #1 NFT now. (NSFW)


I want this ad to appear on Times Square.