How Sam Hyde showed me I should start a business and not end up like him
I’ve been considering myself on the position I currently have, and for nearly over 10 years or so I’ve been trying to pursue empty fame and not listening to Sam Hyde’s advice. The last couple years or so is just basically me trying to be Sam Hyde in every literal way. But long didn’t I know that his advice and his current status and past would show me how to properly do things.
Sam Hyde has been trying to be YouTube famous before the World Peace fiasco with the Bernsteins and the adult swims happened. I mean, that’s what you expect from such a youngster mindset that Sam Hyde, Charls Carroll and Nick Rochefort used to be back in ye old days of Million Dollar Extreme. That said, ever since YouTube hasn’t been sustaining Sam economically doing free videos, Sam has had for once a genius idea: start a business, called COM98.
For 2-3 years I’ve been trying to follow Sam Hyde’s ill-witted path for too long, just for such toxic aspiration as fame. This, however, truly showed me my wakeup call at 30 years of age: I should definitely get serious.
The Gumroad I maintained for so long didn’t do sell a single penny due to the lack of proper marketing resources and efforts, and the benefits of starting a business with the tons of aids a lot of entrepreneur incubators do offer is that I’d have more than the enough budget to focus on marketing stuff, something that is essential for my priorities (1st: get an audience, 2nd: get the audience to consume). Doesn’t really matter how I do it, even I could do an ad campaign on 4chan or even build partnerships with similar businesses like Sam Hyde’s COM98 or so. The thing is: starting a business in such a lucky local area such as mine is definately a better idea than trying to be Sam Hyde for over 10 years.
So, I don’t know if this has been heard before from Sam or whoever, but my advice for y’allses is to START A BUSINESS. E-fame is just toxic and will drive you to a cocaine-filled Hollywood street. Business will give you the stability to be able to be a grown man.
Just remember, JMAA TV Premium is still there, but it will have to change. As soon as I finish my entrepreneurship classes, everything there will have to change for the better.