JMAA LIVE! Episode 27 - Krampus is Coming to Town

The Dame Pesos and Myroom Records drama, PewDiePie taking a break and deletus his Twitter, TommyC pussying out from the Killstream bloodsports with JMAA, a full-on retrospective of JMAA TV for 2019, the toilet that makes you uncomfortable, Trump impeached, JK Rowling being eaten alive by SJWs, Virginia wants to take away their guns, a memelord, Ben Shapiro and more this week on the JMAA LIVE! Podcast.

Christmas 2019 is the gift that keeps on giving, from the YouTube new TOS going on that will ban EVERYBODY to this whole Trump impeachment shit. It's a jolly, merry Christmas, with a good stinking load of dump that will make your 2020 even more joyful. Thank you 2019 for the great moments.

Speaking of the great moments of 2019, this year has been very great for JMAA TV, so I give it in this podcast a retrospective. Some incidents like the poo eating one happened, and that's pretty depressing for one bit, but this is the very year I'd make MrBTFO jealous about, being on the Dick Show, gaining some clout, having an amazing fun chill year and working on really good stuff that keeps on giving me happiness. Let's all hope the plans I got for 2020 come with great spoils, because one of them includes a MUSIC ALBUM my COUSIN is gonna work on after I finish editing this TDS episode 4 video for JMAA TV Premium.

And this cover is made by me for the occasion. Anyway, this is the LAST PODCAST OF THE YEAR, I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020 as well. See you next year!


The woman that plays on Ultra-Violence

JMAA LIVE! Episode 28 - Tri-Hard New Year


JMAA LIVE! Episode 26 - The Song of Hunting and Killing