JMAA LIVE! Episode 19 - The unfunny banshees and ghouls

Halloween shenanigans, the San Sebastian Horror Film Festival full with reactions and reviews of trailers and stuff, ADL kvetching at Iceland, how a dating site locks my credit card, asian blowjobs are the best, crazy transgender pedophiles losing courts, everyone forgetting about Epstein, predicting a Facebook pozzing Uber, women under 30 waste their time with casual sex, unfunny women of color comedians, Disney self-promoting, exhuming Spanish dictators, Chinese computer people at Clash Royale and much more on this episode of the JMAA LIVE! Podcast.

Now, I’ll be serious. Fuck exhuming the body of Franco. They’re literally pissing in our historic heritage and laughing about it, and even celebrating it. I wouldn’t celebrate throwing away our historical heritage down to the trash, the one that made us who we are right now, but here we are. I live in a region where the majority of this redskin population is celebrating this pisstake. Fuck them.

Also, the Horror Film Festival here with their short films, mostly a pisstake as well. Only two short films come out as my favourite, one is about a bald man and hair growth gel, and the bald man gets what he deserves, BALD FUCK. The other short film I like it because it’s a funny one. The rest sucks so much my IRL friend who went there to watch them with me fell asleep and I had to wake him up like a fucking toddler. In the words of a canadian AVGN, it sucks so much it blows, it blows so much it fucks.

Another good update anyway: I opened up a Patreon page… again. This one will be a bit safer than the previous one since it doesn’t have nazi shit plastered over it, or anything like that. If you’re a patron, you’re mostly likely gonna see plenty of self-made porn by me, but you’re gonna fund a good deal of comedy videos, pornography art and plenty of other good stuff coming this way. Go to the Patreon here at

Anyway, art for this podcast episode is made by me, and made it Ghostbusters-like spooky, with that tone of Goosebumps over it. I didn’t even bother recreating the Goosebumps logo though, so I had to use a stock typography for that. Fuck recreating that. I’m lazy. Boo hoo.


The woman that plays on Ultra-Violence

JMAA LIVE! Episode 20 - Halloween Hangover Glowing in the Dark


JMAA LIVE! Episode 18 - On Manlet-Eating Blobs