MrBeast is a horrible, terrible person, and it ruined my life.

After watching that MrBeast exposé made by former MrBeast employee DogPack404 for 3 hours of livestream commentary on our channel, I came crashing down to the mere realization that the world MrBeast inhabits and does his business in is, in fact, a very, very cruel world. I don’t really mean to blackpill you into believing the world is an unsolvable pit of suffering and cruelty, but if things continue this way, with people like MrBeast on the top not facing liability for his actions, like the oh so many rich, white straight male content creators, millionaires and billionaires that have the open secret of ruling the masses, things will obviously get worse.

To put you into basic context, MrBeast has been exposed for not only covering up for Ava Tyson’s misconduct with child predation, but also faking videos, running illegal lotteries to promote gambling to children, mismanaging the #TeamSea and #TeamTrees situation, and just being a general predatory, exploitative prick to his underage viewers. This poses a basic dilemma me and others have been presenting for really long enough: when do we hold content creators to the same ethical, moral, and even legal standards as anyone else in entertainment, or even any other industry? Because it really particularly seems that such liability is only reserved to those below the earnings of Jimmy, or rich white dudes like him.

On the Ava Tyson situation even, seems like an unfair situation especially for trans folx like me: child predation or loli porn has no excuse to exist, yet somehow the conservatives, right-wingers and fascists, as per usual, spin this off as an excuse to attack trans people in general because they believe “all trans people are child groomers”. This falsehood is damaging, especially for trans people like us, and especially considering Ava is to blame as well for this for making us trans people look bad like that, and suffer the consequences of that on her behalf, because she seems to be the perfect scapegoat good enough for fascists and TERFs to use against us. Yet Ava Tyson seems to be well protected as a MrBeast employee, so it’s most likely she’ll face no repercussions for her shitty actions, while the rest of trans people have to suffer. It’s definitely the hellhole that allow shit-spewing talking heads like JK Rowling or Matt Walsh and other fascist and TERF pricks to have more ammunition against us, leading potentially to a future that tries so hard to eradicate trans and LGBT people in general. Yet Jimmy knew. He knew the consequences of this and gleefully passed through without consequence, the absolute shitman.

It doesn’t end there: one must wonder what drives a white man to know the ins and outs of human psychology well enough to not just manipulate, but con a diverse, wide range of children into gambling and diabetes; and not just children, mind you, but also other vulnerable people as well, like neurodivergent people. The answer, at first, was clearly simple: money and fame. This man was blinded by his own massive narcissism and greed enough to become the richest YouTuber like that, and this said pied piper has, eventually, led many into doom. The problem with this conclusion, however, is that it tends to forget why people tend to pursue money or fame in the first place: and that’s a deep insecurity in themselves that is created upon our society by higher capitalist powers who constantly bombard us with brain programming powerful enough to convince us that money and riches is the best way to happiness.

He also shows the effects of maximizing profit at the cost of misery and suffering: when I saw how rotten and raw the MrBeast Burgers were, I nearly jokingly, but depressingly, was inundated with disgust at how such a dropshipped abomination of an edible could reach even the mouths of his gullible fanbase and viewers or consumers, but when I realized this same product was arriving at the hands of the people in my own country of Spain, through its localized chain of MrBeast Burger joints, I could not contain my despair, my utter desconsolate, hopeless grief. Somehow, this was sold as close to me as that, especially in Vitoria (a neighbor of my own province Gipuzkoa, where I reside in San Sebastian, by the way), and this atrocity reached the stomach of someone in Spain. It not just revolted my stomach, but it also revolted my soul. And somehow, MrBeast went back to selling shitty chocolates as Feastables as if nothing went on, after apparently suing the very company that manufactured said burgers for him. This poison has reached too close to home. And it’s especially very concerning when on top of all of that, Jimmy mixes that garbage food with the glorified child gambling machine that he creates through his illegal lotteries and “giveaways” (which still require you to purchase his products to participate, anyway). It’s shocking that not even the EU regulations dared to step into this issue.

The problems with MrBeast started originally rising when he decided to create poverty-tourism type of content onto YouTube, as exploitative as it might be, like spending 7 days in a prison cell, or curing blindness to 1,000 people. This, of course, added the fact that he always tends to hire employees and the employees’ friends and family, and even MrBeast’s friends and family (which are all rich, by the way) for these sorts of glorified philanthropy-ridden scams. Add on top the fact that he is adding favoritism and cronyism to the formula, the sort of nepotism that contaminates and poisons the retro FPS community as well, as my experience goes. And on top of that, the fact that his videos are all fake and scripted garbage. It’s unsurprising, then, how many MrBeast clones happen to be the old fake pranksters of old YouTube, because this seems like a father and son situation. They all knew the intentions were the same, MrBeast only changed the gameplay, and not the lore.

And on top of that, as the final topping of this toxic, diahrrea pizza, is that he also seemed to rub shoulders with plenty of other popular YouTubers. He did with many rich white dudes of his ilk, but the most especially jarring is NerdCity, who seemingly did a collab with MrBeast to be sponsored by his MrBeast Burgers as a promo on their exposé on Jaystation that released back in 2023 or so. Turns out these fucks also promote NFTs and rub shoulders with plenty of alt-right figures like Sam Hyde. And at some point, I did enjoy NerdCity’s videos. Their association with MrBeast and what MrBeast implies now just makes it the worst, and their silence on the whole MrBeast situation going on right now just most likely makes them complicit in this sort of situation.

At some point, in our videos even, we were inundated in the idea of giving MrBeast the benefit of the doubt, and it might have looked like we defended MrBeast at least a minimal bit. But we do apologize for this. MrBeast seems to be another one of the effects of the capitalist system’s ills: he is a man with no moral standards, no ethics, only greed for chasing infinite revenue growth, at the expense of human suffering. Creating on future generations of children gambling addictions and problems related with diabetes and obesity. And yet, this man gets away with sort of stuff? If we live in a world where we allow such people to exist, I don’t want to be in this world anymore.

The issue I take here is that, because we still somehow think YouTubers are the same amateurs with Yeti microphones, shitty webcams and recording in their bedroom, we’re not taking them at the same ethical, moral or even legal standards as everyone else. Maybe those who are not as fortunate as Jimmy are taken to those standards, but youtubers like MrBeast have seemingly companies and corporations, with teams, employees, crewmembers and lots of money, and yet this guy doesn’t have a Broadcast Standards and Practices department?!

I’m not allowing that. Maybe the law enforcement everywhere is too slow and stupid to catch up to this. Maybe justice is too blind to catch up to this. But if nobody else is willing to do the effort, then it’s up to people like us to take matters into our own hands: