The ZDoom Admins (and the rest of the DOOM community) are willing to sweep Major Arlene's abuse under the rug
Believe me when I say that I nearly called this happening.
You wouldn’t believe me, but there has been a major development in the MajorArlene debacle recently, one that involves the heads of the ZDoom Discord server and the rest of the ZDoom/DOOM/retro FPS communities so far. And it didn’t take necessarily a galaxy brain to figure what their true allegiances were either way.
When questioned at the ZDoom Discord server by our sting operations account (which will still remain anonymous to remain protected) about their stance on MajorArlene propping up and endorsing our same sting account a KiwiFarms thread on yours truly, their basic response was to make excuses, and then sweep the whole situation under the rug, like nothing happened.
This especially comes from the head of the ZDoom Forums and Discord, wildweasel (who I need to remind you he’s also the head admin of several other DOOM and retro FPS communities and also mingles with the high class society of related communities), who dismissed this whole situation as something which he’s “not inclined to take any of seriously”. Then proceeding to erase said chatlogs above and trying to wash his image by posting kitten pics.
The previous chatlogs (as presented above) were swiftly erased
It seems the expertise of these people is to control the narrative, it’s been said for millennia about this sort of issues with the so-called “Fun Police” Discord that runs this gatekeeping operation for so long. They’re willing to cover up for their peers’ misconduct, control the narrative they wish to have on the communities they control, and erase any trace of undesirable narratives like it was some sort of Orwellian plot… because, guess what: they’re fucking narcissists.
So, in hopes this blog article will get noticed (and I hope it definitely will) and this catches steam online, let this be a lesson for you all on who to trust in the DOOM and Retro FPS community: these people are complicit, if not guilty, of the harassment campaign people like me and others like me have been facing from sites like KiwiFarms and others for ages.
Happy Friday.