The JMAA GAMES ULTRA-VIOLENCE JAM 2022 is about to start!

Ladies and gentlemen… welcome to the JMAA GAMES ULTRA-VIOLENCE JAM 2022!

A game jam where you’ll test your game development skills to create the most savage and action-filled ultra-violent FPS game ever!

This game jam is solely dedicated to all FPS games of yesteryear and today, so it is mainly FPS focused. Any first person shooter will be welcome in here.

Here are the ground rules:

  1. Do not create anything resembling fascist apologia, hate-speech or anything like that. Fuck nazis.

  2. Must be any kind of first-person shooter game. The type of first-person shooter game will be completely up to you.

  3. You got one month to develop the game.

  4. The theme will be revealed at the start of the jam on the jam page, our Discord and this YouTube channel.

  5. Anyone can vote after the submission phase ends.

  6. Don’t hesitate in making your game as gory or violent as you want.

  7. Any game engine is valid… except Unity. Do NOT use Unity.

  8. The top 10 most voted winners will be featured on this very YouTube channel.

  9. Have fun, of course

The submissions will begin on September 4th 2022, and will end on October 4th 2022. After that, voting will end on November 4th 2022.

Stay tuned for the theme of this jam, and happy boomer shootering!


The woman that plays on Ultra-Violence

The Bigger The Target: The Post-KiwiFarms Effect


Becoming queen of a dead game.