You're not being cancelled.
When it comes to rightoid or conservative vernacular, you might have heard of the boogeyman known as “cancel culture”. Oooooo! Such scary! Yes, these two words together have apparently scared the right-wing and conservatives to a degree that they claim they’re being “silenced” and “cancelled” by the woke SJW Chi-com mob. However, reality strikes like a lightning when you realize, it’s much worse the other way around.
It has come to the public’s attention the Texas banning of the Pulitzer-winning comic book from Art Spiegelman, Maus. Some furry comic about Jewish mice being exterminated in nazi cat concentration camps. Nothing too far from reality as it is one of the most crude, yet accurate depictions of Jewish suffering in Nazi Germany. However, it has been banned in Texas. Maybe because Ted Cruz and the rest of conservative, center-right and right-wing ideologues who run the Texas government didn’t like the idea of portraying the Holocaust in such a way. It’s like they see themselves reflected in this sort of real, yet gruesome reflection of themselves in some comic book pages.
Meanwhile, in plain winter, Ted Cruz is just too busy taking a holiday trip to the Bahamas to actually take care of poor people dying of cold without enough electricity to power up a radiator. Maus isn’t the only bodycount in this cancel culture shit, poor people in Texas also take the goddamn bullet!
And if I were to list the whole goddamn list of things that have been cancelled by conservatives and the like, I’d be here forever. But I’ll note up a few examples:
Pokemon was cancelled because it was the literal Devil.
Lil Nas X was cancelled because it was Satan.
Cardi B was cancelled because… children, I guess.
Dungeons and Dragons were cancelled back in the 80’s because it was a work of heresy from Lucifer.
Rock’n’Roll was cancelled too because it’s Satan’s Spotify playlist from Hell.
Marihuana was cancelled for being the Devil’s Weed so much that it caused a war conflict for profit!
In fact, anything that doesn’t fall in line with the conservative and right-wing status quo of Christian and conservative values gets thrown into the Abyss of Cancel Culture.
In fact, let’s talk about that last one, marihuana, yeah.
Ronald Reagan had the absolute genius idea of causing an entire war on drugs, and not because weed was so goddamn evil and demonic that it was consuming our youth. But because it’s more profitable for Big Pharma to take over a big chunk of that pie themselves. Yes, there’s a main reason why there’s so much criminalization of random people selling drugs around the world and such piss-poor quality weed and cocaine at this rate, when it’s not a police problem, but a medical problem instead, and it’s not because weed is such a Devil’s work. No wonder why cartels are out there decapitating each other! That’s gonna be $500,000 for treating your pneumonia, sir!
And not only that, dreaded socialism and other left-wing ideologies in America get cancelled too! You might have heard of the Red Scare back in the 1950’s and onwards… well, they made us thing that socialism, anarchism, communism, anarcho-communism… even democratic socialism was so fucking evil that they killed millions of people back there on the Soviet Union! Only if I could count how many times someone has committed suicide because in the capitalist system they were not able to buy themselves their salvation with the little money they earn from their piss-poor job…
And speaking of which, let’s go back in time a tad bit… remember those “socialists” at the National-Socialist Party of Germany (Nazi Party of Germany)? Well, sure they convinced a whole lot of people they were Socialist as in National-Socialist, with all sorts of nonsense Hitler wrote in his famous Mein Kampf book, but they also cancelled unions! And cancelled Jewish people to death! And a big bunch of corporations like IBM, Coca-Cola… you know, the capitalist bunch, worked alongside them! Crazy, isn’t it?
Let’s go further back… to the middle ages! People were cancelling so much anyone who wasn’t a Catholic Christian in Europe, they burnt them in pires!
And the list goes on and on and on! Man, I thought in my old days of being a right-winger that I wasn’t such a status quo person! Well, fuck me silly, might as well call myself President of the United States.
So, no, you’re not being cancelled. You’re just being an annoying prude.
Sure thing, Tucker.