A GamerGate documentary series like never seen before...

#GamerGate: Hell on the Digital Age is an episodic documentary series in production where it narrates in full detail the whole history and beyond of GamerGate and its repercussions on modern internet social justice discourse, as well as its consequences on the general political scene and the impending doom of the rise of fascism on the real world.

Currently the series is pre-producing Episode 1, where it will describe the full prehistory of GamerGate, with Anita Sarkeesian, Tropes VS Women, Zoe Quinn, the R v Elliot court case and so on. With your financial support on the Goon Fund, it will help kickstart the production of this series. Episode 1 will release for free on YouTube and the subsequent episodes will be exclusive to the Goon Fund for members only.

Support us on the Goon Fund right now and stay tuned for when this series comes out!