Angry Vaushites on Reddit yell at me because they voted
Ah yes, free traffic on my website because some brainless dimwits get angry at me for anything. Britbong might not be the only one to have me constantly live inside his head rent free. But apparently, Vaush and his Reddit minions might have me there too.
You see, not long ago, I posted my latest article about how Joe Biden is a big giant piece of shit that you shouldn’t have voted, if not just not voting anyone at all, to the r/VaushV subreddit. The end result, if not just the traffic to my website that I get for free, is the mere fact that my nukular payload there has left a fallout bigger than all the Fallout games combined. I’m talking serious amounts of saltiness, and that, my friends, is what I call coping for your voter’s remorse.
They even got to the point of telling me I endorse Trump, for some utter absurd reason that can only be explained as someone pretending to pull off a 200 IQ 5D chess argument:
It’s not just that this guy strawmanned my previous article, it’s also that this guy probably smokes the equivalent of a cartel’s drug truck.
Look, here’s a list of things I didn’t say in my previous article:
I didn’t say I endorsed Trump winning when writing that.
I didn’t say Trump would have been the next Bernie Sanders.
I didn’t say especially that voting anything else was a solution.
In fact, voting at all is the problem.
Yes, you voted away a fascist. Good job, it’s gotta be at least a minimal something, but there’s your problem: voting. Voting like anything matters there, still playing to the rich elites’ and bourgeoisie’s game like a headless chicken with Parkinson’s. And you guys and gals keep coming at me hiding your voter’s remorse by pretending me that this has been a 6D underwater backgammon move to scare away Donald Trump. You kicked a fascist in favor of a lesser evil, but that lesser evil is still fucking you up. And you expected better!?
Insanity is doing the exact same shit, over and over again, expecting the world to become Disneyland all of a sudden and expect the evil Hitler won’t come back from his grave. Also, fuck you all.
That quote is from Albert Einstein. Well, not exactly what he said verbatim for a bit, but I don’t know, anyone would have trusted the advice of someone who’s way smarter than them, even me. So there’s less for me of an excuse to not trust such advice.
Voting is part of the goddamn system. I learned this kinda late, but every good ancom piece of annoying shit like me would know this, knowing also the capitalist, fascist and state system is all bullshit that should be erased with detergent for good and forgotten about. If you’re a leftist, and you keep playing their stupid game by their rules by voting in a rigged electoral system that benefits the rich and powerful, I’m sorry, but this is you:
This is you.
You are a dumbass. And by sitting your ass doing nothing other than listening to grifter daddy Vaush and voting away the world’s problems like a tool for the rich, you sure are.
Bon appetit!