Christfuck Deluxe #1, JMAA, digital artwork, 2022


CHRISTFUCK Deluxe #1 (2022)

Jesus died on the worst fate of the cross because the society around him couldn’t accept him and his ideas.

Trans people and gender non-conforming people share the same figurative fate from society, with decades-long transphobia and bigotry, especially coming from the Christian-founded moral standards of the Christian western society. Sexuality, in general, has also been stigmatized by those in the Catholic Church ever since ages and still to this day. The irony of all of this is that plenty of Catholic men and women indulge themselves in the sort of sexual repression that would secretly lead them to commit deviant sexual acts, often indulging themselves in the power imbalance of abusing those who cannot have even a voice to call them out for their sexual crimes.

The Vatican is plagued with pedophiles and other sexual deviants who are still running the Vatican state to this day, and no one has said a goddamn thing, not even on the consent-manufacturing Mainstream Media, as we know it, like CNN, CNBC, FOX News, etc. Yet the Vatican is highly concerned in masquerading their sexcapades with vulnerable victims with countless fake moralistic purpurine that perpetuates further the abuse and silencing of LGBTQIA+ voices and sexuality.

With this soon-to-be controversial piece, inspired by works like ‘Pisschrist’ by Andrés Serrano (1987), I can hope I can deliver a message to those not just in the Catholic Church, but also the authoritarian right-wing, and nail them to the Cross of public scorn like they deserve to be. They have been silencing queer and marginalized voices for too long. It will definitely cause a storm that will rock the foundations of the Christian society and those in the right-wing, and to them, I say: ‘fuck you.’ You already had enough getting away with it. Deus tuus dereliquit te.