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Are you afraid to risk your patience in this amazing latest JMAA GAMES jam entry to not feel perpetual anger like Sean Penn?

You know this game will make you deliberately angry. You know it. It’s that perfect rage game that looks like a CGA palette nightmare with a truckload of RNG. I present to you, Billy Cripple in the Well of Lost Souls!

This roguelike rage game will test your patience for a short period of time in its hellish CGA dungeons. Submitted as a game jam entry for the Blackthornprod Game Jam’s third installment, and made in a total timespan of 2 days!

You must escape the dreadful infernal dungeons, full of monsters and demons that lurk around you, with your limited movement capabilities, as you literally have no legs. Either you crawl forward or you fail. Less movement, more struggle.

Join us in this game and see if you can beat it, if you dare… and also, it is completely free to play! Donations are equally appreciated, as usual.

Also, check out this awesome devlog describing the process of making this game on YouTube!